Hmm, that was SOME attempt in speaking British Slang and I admit I'm an utter failure at that. Why the sudden interest in that? I've just finished watching the romantic comedy, Notting Hill, which was a pretty big hit back in 1999 when it was released.
Forget about all the stuff I've said about how I think romantic shows aren't for me. Notting Hill's just great. Fantasic soundtrack, Fab acting, Fairly interesting plot, notable quotes...just generally good. Shall not comment too much or I'll just ruin everything..
The words on the poster probably won't attract you though. At least not me, at first, cause it sounds like just any other normal predictable plot:

"Can the most famous film star in the world fall for just an ordinary guy?"
I guess you don't watch it JUST for the plot, its for those little details, sensible stuff and the way they film it to, say, represent the passing of time and other bits of details like these.
The romantic moments were just, awww. Plus it makes you think, you might criticize and hate somebody for doing something, but seriously put yourself in her shoes, there's always a reason behind it. You might say, "oh gawd, you're so abso-bloody-lutely stupid for making that move!". But if you're in the person's situation, you might have done the same. You can try to but never fully understand another unless you're living his/her life.
I almost wanted to hit anna scott in the movie for blaming the guy about something that wasn't his fault to start with, but the logic above really fits, yep.
Lets see, there was something really sweet that was written on the bench in a park they went to:
"For June who always loved this garden -
From Joseph who always sat beside her"
and anna said: "so people do spend their whole lives together..." From Joseph who always sat beside her"
(she's a movie star, got dumped by many boyfriends and such so she never really understood what true love was...?)
"no one knows why some things work out and some things don't"
was from this woman in a wheelchair, and the expression on her face while she said it was... ):Oh, before you jab fingers of accusation at me about how you think I'm a lesbo or whatever (SADLY ALOT OF PEOPLE DID THAT OMG DD: I'm ZHI2), I don't like girls for nuts, I just think pretty girls with 气质 are nice. (the second part is important). Julia roberts isn't like drop dead gorgeous but there's just something about her that's kinda..unique in a really good way. No seriously, I don't know what's that special thing she has.
..there were loads of nice scenes, watch it for yourself, you can ask me for it, I guess. Or you're always welcome to my place, that's if I know you. Then we can go awww together while stuffing chips in, like how Terie and I passed our time watching Juno and Phantom of the Opera hahaha!
Alright, I'll stop here, I don't want to ruin the show. Somebody recommended it to me, and I found out that I actually have it in my computer afterall, so I clicked on it and spent two hours in front of the screen while munching away.
chem was shit, and during the 2 hour break, I went to 4k for a few seconds because I wanted to study with annia at first. But I decided not to, almost the whole class was there studying ~_~
So, off to the library I went, where Wanzhen, Yingzhi and Terie were. We spent our time looking at the class photos, talking crap and doing anything but studying. Studying before exams is kinda stressfullll ya. The class photos were... -.- my eyes were closed in the formal shot, and basically it didn't turn out too well. HOPE THEY DON'T PUT THE FORMAL SHOT IN THE YEAR BOOK. I've got pictures of them heeheeeee.
Bio was do-able and fine, yay!
After the chem paper and bio paper 1, I lunched with Ashley, Kaiying and xinhui before heading off for tuition.
At 4, I met up with Ashley and Kaiying again, they went to E!hub to watch Hana Yori Dango before that. At the library, we came across this DISGUSTING shelf, its filled with MATH books btw.
just look at the BIG FAT ONE in the middle. "GOD created the INTEGERS".
gawd, go on, have a look at it, its gross.
maths rulez my life. Not.
Kaiying and I got ourselves a couple of chinese books cause our standard is going down, down. Though hers ain't half as bad as mine, haha. Ashley obviously sauntered off to her romance novel section 8D
& I grabbed one of those half-bimbo books for once. It says :"From here to paternity", complete with a cute yellow cover adorned with little pictures of children's toys. GUESS WHAT. ITS WRITTEN BY A MAN ITS WRITTEN BY A MAN.
I'm probably a little sexist but...ITS WRITTEN BY A MAN OMGZ. men don't write these books, they just don't.
After the little trip the library, we settled down at whitesands macs till 7+. Reading, and reading. The irritating background music irritates me, its on friggin repeat O: It wasn't that bad a song in all honesty, got me pretty interested at first but hell, not when you have to listen to it a billion times while reading ):
The chinese book I borrowed was disappointing. Kaiying's good narration helped abit, cause I wouldn't be caught reading such a boring story myself. Its made of short stories, really short ones, and they're all about women falling in love with young men. Yucks. Boring like hell -.-
Btw, the new spicy mcnuggets are really spicyyy. You're hearing this from a person who puts one whole spoonful of chilli in her fishball noodles. (but can't really take too much pepper) I've some pictures in the camera.
I went to some other places after that, and did the grossest thing on earth. I'll decide if I want to tell you what I did 8D hahaha.
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